In the dungeon of Huntington Castle, Clonegal

 I'm not really one for visiting castles but what better to do on a cold, rainy day in Ireland? 

So that is how I stumbled upon an underground temple, the headquarters of the Fellowship of Isis, deep in the dungeon of Huntington Castle. The castle was built in1625 on the grounds of an old abbey. The IRA were last to use the dungeons as a place of confinement when they took over the castle in 1921.

Ruins of the abbey

Ruins of the abbey where Druid rituals are practiced

Huntington castle today, still lived in by the Durdin Robertson family

 Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess of love and the Fellowship of Isis honours and celebrates the divine female. The fellowship was set up on the vernal equinox of 1976 by Olivia Durdin-Robinson, a member of an old Irish Ascendancy family who lived in the castle until her death; her brother Lawrence  (Derry) an ex Anglican clergyman; and his wife Pamela. Its purpose was to worship "Isis of 1000 names and mother of all beings."

In the underground temple are 12 shrines  dedicated to the signs of the zodiac and 5 chapels each dedicated to a different goddess. Meetings are still held here regularly especially during solstice and equinox. The fellowship now has thousands of members  worldwide from many different faiths and cultures.

One of the shrine rooms

The well in the centre is believed to date from the times of the Druids and have healing powers.

The castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and woodlands planted out in the 1680s. These yew trees are over 500 years old


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