Graveyard hunting in West Cork

It was quite a search to find young Charley Beamish's grave. I almost ended up in one myself clambering through an ancient Kilmurry graveyard where many of the graves had sunken in and were covered with weeds, their 18th and 19th century headstones crumbling and mostly illegible . If I'd fallen through a rotting coffin lid into one of those graves it could have been days or weeks before anyone found me! Although the sole person in Kilmurry walking down the street assured me that was the only old graveyard I finally (thanks to FindaGrave) discovered the delightful little church of St Andrews up a narrow country road and there of course was Charley's grave right out in front in a prime position. (See my blogpost Sept 6 re Charley's death).

St Andrews, Church of Ireland, Kilmurry built 1847. This was most likely the Charles and Caroline Beamish's family church

Charley's grave


The Inscription reads:
 In loving memory of Charles only son of Charles and Caroline Beamish of Dooniskey who departed from this life deeply regretted Jan 15th 1878 aged 17 years
Blessed are the pure in heart
They shall see God

The view from the church 

Charles Beamish was a generous benefactor who subscribed to the building of St Andrews and also donated money and stone for the building of St Mary's, the Kilmurry Catholic church. I have heard that he was exhumed from his tower and buried in this graveyard but have not been able to confirm this yet. 


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